The city of Trieste is 10 min by car or by bus. Most interesting turistic destinations of the city are: the castle of Miramare, piazza Unità, the Castle and the Cathedral of S. Giusto.
For a city guided tour http://www.trieste.city-sightseeing.it/eng/index.htm
Bed & Breakfast "al laghetto" is in a central position for various touristic trips towards italian and slovenian destinations. Among these we recommend the following:
In Slovenia:
Lipizza casinò http://www.casino-lipica.si/
Postumia caves http://www.turizem-kras.si/?lang=it
S Canziano caves http://www.park-skocjanske-jame.si/ita/
Bovec and soca valley http://www.bovec.si/ita/
In Italy:
Miramare castle http://www.castello-miramare.it/eng/home/home.php
Duino castle http://castellodiduino.it/eng.html
Rilke path http://www.marecarso.it/sentieri_rilke.htm
Grotta Gigante cave http://www.grottagigante.it/
Rosandra valley http://www.gmdb.it/rosandra/